Bweyset ung Leter G. n Nman, .. Ang Kulit, TTanong tanong sa Email ng Yg,Tpos sya rin sasagot!! How Stupid!!!!.. sHes so Interested bout mon.. waaaahhahaha..Im Mons no.1 fan.. hehe Kiding,,BuT I Hope so..Nyek!.. OkaY.. eWan Im FuCkIn Pissed off! 1 comments

YeSterday,Its so Freakin Cold!! In here! YeAh, last nyt I Slep wth mah Jacket.. hahaha, Its Nice,, CooL!! My cat …lagi kong nsa Tabi=)..
Im HeRe Practicing Wake me Up when September ends..I like that song, the vid, and also the Rhythm!..sa PrOm.. Its Impossible.. n mGinG pAtner.. tama n Nga.. hehehe!.. b bye.. TAG MEE

crazy1 86:hey baby!!!
hotNsPiCy91: whos dis???
crazy1 86:ur secret admirer!!!!!
h0tNsPiCy91: o really.... quit lyin! whosdis???
crazy1 86:i loved u the first time a staredin youreyes...
crazy1 86:i think about u everyday... youare mydream come true.
crazy1 86: we met once! i dont think uremembertho.
crazy1 86: i cut myself because the paintakesaway my feelings of u.
crazy1 86: u will see me sometimetonight....
h0tNsPiCy91: ..WHO IS THIS!?!?!?
crazy1 86:dont worry.... ill take very goodcare ofyou...
crazy1 86 had signed off.
the girl was so scared she locked all herdoorsand windows. she made sure her roomwassecured. she was so scared if it was a jokeor forreal. she didnt know when he was goingto come.the girl was frighten so she decided tosleep withher little sister. the girl dozed off quickly.then sheheards a knock on the window. the girlslowlywalked to the window. it started knockinglouder.the girl looked through the windows andsawnothing. just some of the tree branches.the girlwent back to bed with her sister. the bedwas wetand it smells pretty horrid. maybe hersister wetthe bed... the girl checked and foundbloodeverywhere. her little sis was dead. thegirl panick.she didntknow what todo. she ran and hid in the closet incasethe guy comes for her. while lookingthroughthe cracksof the closet the girl saw a shadow. it wasdark soshe couldnt figure out who it was. shestarted toget more frighten. the man crept closer tothecloset. the girl closed her eyes as if it wasadream. then suddenly he open the closetdoor andpulled her out. her parents found herdead. she wasskinned all the way and was hanged inher sisterscloset.
PART 2...2 years after the girls' deaths, theirparents had a baby boy. thegirlsroom became a guest bedroom and thelittlesisters room where the murder took placebecamethe babys room. the baby grew up to be asecessful kid. one night he was on thecomputerand got an instant messege.
h0tNsPiCy91:hey lil bro!!!
2seXay4u: who the f*** is this?h0tNsPiCy91: its your big sis.
2seXay4u: i never had a sister. im anonly child.
2seXay4u:this is some kinda joke huh?
h0tNsPiCy91: mom and dad never toldyou?
h0tNsPiCy91: i died 15 years ago withyour otherolder sister.
h0tNsPiCy91:we were murdered in yourroomwhich was once my little sisters room. shewaskilled in bed when i was sleeping and iwas killed inthe closet and skinned to death.
2seXay4u:quit lying. i never had asister. if i didmy parents would've told me. whatever.yourstupid.
h0tNsPiCy91: you dont believe me? wellthen, look in your closet floor.
h0tNsPiCy91: i carved my name, timeand date iwas being murdered. then i carved mylittle sister'sname.
h0tNsPiCy91: if you dont believe melittle brothercheck the internet. type in ''smith sistersmurderedanonymously''.
h0tNsPiCy91: i gtg little brother. i loveyou. andmom and dad soo much. i cant believe they kept us a secret from you. they should burn inhell.
the boy checked the closet. he saw thecarvings.was it true? he surfed the internet andeverythingwas there about the anonymous murder inthehouse. the next morning the boy wentdownstairs.it was so quiet. maybe mom and dad wassleeping.. hours later the boy found hisparents intheir closets skinned and hung. then hefound morecarvings on the ground. it says '' I TOLDYOU IWASNT LYING. LITTLE BROTHER, ILOVEDMOM AND DAD.... BUT THEY KEPT MEASECRET. I CANT BELIEVE IT. WELL IMFREEFROM THIS COLD WORLD. I WONT LETTHEMKILL YOULIKE WHAT THEY DID TO US. I LOVEYOU!- LISA SMITH '' 0 comments

I HaTe Mah GradEs!! Dats Al! 0 comments